
190 小時老婦的兩頭狗找回

190 小時老婦的兩頭狗找回

Dear Members and Friends of SPCA (HK)

Since the Sichuan earthquake, SPCA (HK) has been closely monitoring the disaster zone. Last week our Deputy Director for China Outreach made a preliminary trip to get on-the-ground information on human and animal welfare. Further to this visit, on May 27, a team of 7 SPCA staff flew to Chengdu to advise the local authority on disease control, animal rescue, vaccination and welfare, as well as bringing much needed rescue equipment such as lassos, cages and first aid material.


We are pleased to report that the SPCA team located the two dogs which helped save an old lady trapped in a collapse temple for over 190 hours. These dogs were feared dead since their heroic deeds. The team found the two dogs "Chin-Jin" and "Guai Guai" in good condition and they have been taken to a local animal shelter

For the latest update on our work and on-the-ground reports in the earthquake disaster area, please visit http://www.spca.org.hk/upload/Sichuan_Web_posting-eng.pdf

For Donation, please visit http://www.spca.org.hk/upload/sefund.pdf


自四川大地震發生後,香港愛護動物協會一直密切關注災區的情況。上周三,協會中國及澳門外展事務部副總監已率先啟程往成都,與當地相關機構及政府部門聯繫,並且四出瞭解當地的動物情況。5 月 27 日,本會再派出七人隊伍前往成都,協助當地政府進行疾病控制措施,提供動物拯救、防疫注射及福利工作等支援工作,隊伍更帶備所需拯救裝備,如索套、獸籠及急救物資等等。

使我們十分欣喜的是,早前在彭州市倒塌廟宇協助救回被困超過 190 小時老婦的兩頭狗隻,已被本會人員尋獲。這兩頭義犬「前進」和「乖乖」的英勇行為令人動容,幸運地他們身體狀況良好,並被送往動物收容中心妥為照顧。

欲瞭解更多協會於四川地區的最新救災情況,請瀏覽 http://www.spca.org.hk/upload/Sichuan_Web_posting-chi.pdf

如欲捐助,請瀏覽 http://www.spca.org.hk/upload/sefund.pdf


The grestest thing to learn is to love and to be loved in return. <Moulin Rouge>

